2013年10月30日 星期三

       The Different Expressions Between Mainland Chinese and HongKong Chinese
       Hi! I'm David. Since I have been to HK for two months,I have found some different expressions between Mainland  Chinese and HongKong Chinese . Here are my ''RESEARCH FINDINGS'' .  :)

       Having different words of the same meaning

                  Mainland      HongKong 
                        空调         冷气机
                        钱包          银包、荷包
                        公交车      巴士
                        出租车      的士
                        扣篮           入樽
                        草莓           士多啤梨(口语)
                        摩托车       电单车
                        圆珠笔        原子笔
                        吃火锅       打边炉
                         欧冠            欧联
                         欧联            欧霸
                         洗手夜        碱液
                         沐浴露        碱液
                         胶片            菲林      
                          橡皮擦       擦胶
                          下课           落堂
                          教室           班房
                          服务员       侍应(正式)
                          逃课           走堂
                         志愿者        义工
                          警察           差人(非正式)

     Having different meanings of the same word                      

   Having the same meanings with reversed Chinese charecters
                        Mainland                   HongKong 
                         夜宵                               宵夜
                         素质                               质素

It's not difficult to find some reasons to this phenomenon. In Mainland, most people use Putonghua. And we know there are different grammar   rules between Putonghua and Cantonese. Also, HongKong was deeply affected by UK culture. And the most essential reason is that the two regions have different political and cultural system. 
In the end, I wish this blog can help you have a better communication with your Mainland or HongKong friends. 

5 則留言:

  1. You really put much effort towards your findings! Do you know Lingnan students need to take a compulsory course called Practical Chinese? I think your findings are similar to that because it also emphasizes the different terms using in HK and mainland! Sometimes when we talk with mainland students, they feel strange why we use those word!:P I guess I know the reason why they look so odd now......

  2. WOW!It is cool. You have put your heart to to life to make some findings. This is a really helpful article, when there are a lot for us to understand each other between Hongkong people and Mainland people. Thank you for your small research and

  3. LOL...That's really interesting and helpful. I think it is these differences that bring our communication more fun!!! I remember another example of different words of the same meaning, that is , what usually called as "U盘" in Mainland Chinese is called as "手指" in Hongkong Chinese. Thanks for the research and it's really well-done!!!

  4. you have really clear and useful points . Especially I like the observation of the reversed words which is totally genius . you have talent in finding and thinking so just keep it on and you will be a master on it .

  5. WOW……I am really impressed by the differences you mentioned above especially the word "欧联". As a big soccer fun, I have never known that 欧联 has such distinctive meanings between HK. and mainland China. I can see that you did do your homework. Hope for your further study about this topic.
