2013年11月7日 星期四

Adorable Advertisement - Dumb Ways to Die

Hi! I'm Hedy :D

Do you guys still remember i have shared a video called 'dumb ways to die'? It doesn't matter if u have already forgotten it. This is because i would show you the video again XD
大家還記得我在之前分享的一段名為「笨笨的死法(dumb ways to die)」的影片嗎? 如果你已經忘記了也不要緊,因為我會再給你看這段影片XD

Here we go!

This is the video with both English and Chinese subtitles. The following one is the one with Deutsche Untertitel (German subtitles).

Isn't that the character in this video very cute? But do you know what is the message which the producers want to spread through this video? If you don't know, please watch the following video. You would have a better understanding of this adorable video.

I agree to these teenagers that the song is really catchy and impressive >U< (To be honest, i always sing this song after i have watch this video.) I am sorry that I cannot find a video of Teen react to Dumb Ways to Die with Chinese subtitles and I don't know how to make subtitles to the video.(But the most important reason is that I cannot catch all the native speakers' sentence :( Please forgive me XD)
我同意那些青少年指這首歌很琅琅上口及令人印象深刻。(誠實的說,自動從我看到這段短片後就經常唱這首歌)很抱歉我未能找丁一個有中文字幕版的Teens React to Dumb Ways to Die 而我亦不知道如何把字幕加入影片中。(不過最重要的原因是
我不能捕捉到外國人的所有說話的意思。:( 請原諒我XD)

'Be safe around train, a message from METRO' This sentence comes out at the end of the video. Actually, it really surprises me. I think it is just a video made for fun and entertainment. In fact, it is an advertisement, or PSA- Public Service Announcement.

This video get more and more popular since it has post on Youtube. It is really interesting that the song is so popular that people have done the ukulele or guitar cover of it. You could try playing this song if you are interested in this. Here are the video for tutorial of playing this song with ukulele and guitar.

ukulele version(烏克麗麗版本):

guitar version(結他版本):

METRO also produce a game based on this video and it is well-known in Taiwan.
METRO 亦基於這段短片製作了一個遊戲,這遊戲在台灣廣為人知。

I have fun with this song and i think listen to this song can help me to relieve pressure. I recommend you to listen to this song if you are frustrated and desperate.

By Hedy

註1: METRO是澳洲墨爾本地鐵

