Today i would like to share a very wonderful video to you guys!!!>W< One of my favourite Japanese bands sang with a famous Taiwan band!!!!! Here they are! flumpool x Mayday!!!
Official Music video of '証明' by flumpool:
flumpool -証明
flumpool 山村隆太
作詞:五月天 阿信
落葉証明了秋天 皺紋証明了歲月 眼淚証明誰的心碎
那一張合照証明了昨天 卻不証明誰的誓言
雖然換了生活圈 刻意的越走越遠 終究還是偶然遇見
我和你小心翼翼的寒暄 誰愛過 愛過誰 看不見
我們都長大了 不再衝動 不再為誰 而愛的過度瘋癲
不再追問 更不再追憶 令我們心痛 的細節 嘿
想不起 哪一次 哪分 哪秒 哪天 哪些 甜美 相愛瞬間
慢慢的 慢慢的 讓回憶 粉碎
終究要 一個人 一日 一夜 一年 一天 一天 孤獨面對
誰能証明 我們的從前 曾經愛的 那麼堅決
你好像瘦了一些 我搬到另一條街 有空再聊聊吧改天
我們的愛情敵人不是誰 而是你 而是我 的改變
我們都改變了 只能沈澱 只能向前 往成熟大人世界
不再沸騰 更不再期待 那不會實現 的永遠 嘿
想不起 哪一次 哪分 哪秒 哪天 哪些 甜美 相愛瞬間
慢慢的 慢慢的 讓回憶 粉碎
終究要 一個人 一日 一夜 一年 一天 一天 孤獨面對
誰能証明 我們的從前 曾經愛的 那麼堅決
想不起 哪一次 哪分 哪秒 哪天 哪些 甜美 相愛瞬間
慢慢的 慢慢的 讓回憶 粉碎
終究要 一個人 一日 一夜 一年 一天 一天 孤獨面對
誰能証明 我們的從前
你給的 每一次 每分 每秒 每天 每次感動 相愛瞬間
深深的 深深的 我依然 感謝
終究要 一個人 一日 一夜 一年 一天 一天 走向明天
最後証明 我們的永遠
只能存在 珍貴昨天
Here is the original version of the song'証' by flumpool:
Japanese lyrics:
詞:山村隆太 曲:阪井一生
前を向きなよ 振り返ってちゃ 上手く歩けない 遠ざかる君に 手を振るのがやっとで
声に出したら 引き止めそうさ 心で呟く "僕は僕の夢へと 君は君の夢を"
あたりまえの温もり 失くして 初めて気づく 寂しさ 噛み締めて 歩みだす勇気 抱いて
溢れだす涙が 君を遮るまえに せめて笑顔で”またいつか”
傷つけ合っては 何度も許し合えたこと 代わりなき僕らの証になるだろう
"我侭だ"って貶されたって 願い続けてよ その声は届くから 君が君でいれば
僕がもしも 夢に 敗れて 諦めたなら 遠くで叱ってよ あの時のようにね
君の指差すその未来に 希望があるはずさ 誰にも決められはしないよ
一人で抱え込んで 生きる意味を問うときは そっと思い出して あの日の僕らを
"またね"って言葉の儚さ 叶わない約束 いくつ交わしても慣れない
なのに追憶の破片を 敷き詰めたノートに 君の居ないページは無い
溢れだす涙 拭う頃 君はもう見えない 想う言葉は"ありがとう"
傷つけ合っては 何度も笑い合えたこと 絆を胸に秘め 僕も歩き出す
Chinese translation 向前邁進吧 若你回頭只會阻礙你的腳步 用盡全力卻只能 向逐漸走遠的你揮手道別
This time, i won't share much about my feeling or my opinions. I know that people have recently transform themselves into deadline fighters. Maybe you need to prepare for the next presentation, assignment, term paper and even the final examination. You must feel frustrated when facing these stuff. So here i would like to share a video, which can help you to transfer pain into pressure.
這次我不會分享太多我的感受及看法。我知道很多人最近都變身成「限期戰士」,可能你需要準備 presentation﹑ assignment﹑ term paper以及 final examination。大家面對這些事一定感到很沮喪,所以我想在此與大家分享一段video,可以幫助你把痛苦轉化成快樂。
As Paul Bloom quoted the poem from John Milton: The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven. If we change our mind, deadline and workload from studying are not big deal.
就如 Paul Bloom 引用John Milton的詩句:「內心有它的私人地方,它本身可以視天堂為地獄,視地獄為天堂。」如果我們改變我們的思維方式,學習上的限期及工作量也只是小菜一碟呢 !
Today I would like to share some bilingual
stuff with you guys through talking about one of my favorite singers, Nishiono
Kana(西野カナ). I will try to apply some bilingual concepts in my analysis, or
said my sharing and discovery from watching the video. Nishiono Kana(西野カナ) is a famous singer in Japan and also in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Let
me share some video and some songs of her for you.
As you see, Nishino Kana sang in Japanese
and Chinese subtitles are provided. She also code-switched to Chinese and sang
a Chinese song in order to show that she really respects Taiwan’s culture. If
you pay attention to the title of the video, you will find that mix-code is
used. I don’t know why code-mixing is used here, but I have made a guess of it.
Maybe the code-mixing title is for convenience for searching. When I type ‘西野加奈 taiwan’ to search, my result is as following:
When I type ‘西野加奈台灣’ to
search, my result is as following:
當我鍵入「西野加奈 台灣」搜尋時,我得到以下搜尋結果:
Whatever I type ‘西野加奈 taiwan’ or ‘西野加奈台灣’, I can still find
the two video I show at the beginning of this article (blue boxes). But I find
an interesting thing is that I got a reminder of ‘Are you searching: 西野加奈台灣’ when I search video by typing ‘西野加奈 taiwan’.
I think it means that the English word ‘Taiwan’ is linked to the Chinese word ‘台灣’.
The Chinese subtitles of this Japanese song
are one kind of commodified bilingualism, which means bilingualism is used for business
purpose or earning money, as the subtitles is made for commercial purpose. It takes
target readers as consumers. But the bilingual feature of the following video
is totally different from this video. Let’s watch the video first.
The title of this video also involves language
mixing, but the difference is that the Chinese subtitles in the video are for
the fans of Nishino Kana in Hong Kong to have a better understanding of this
song. This is societal bilingualism, which means bilingualism is used for a
particular group of audience. It takes target readers as citizens, or maybe
friends to share this wonderful song.
Actually the above analysis is really a simple
one. But I hope this can bring you some concepts of bilingualism and introduce
Nishino Kana to you. :D Hope you enjoy my sharing. See you next time.
P.S Nishino Kana is the romanisation of西野カナ. Also, maybe the Chinese translation of some bilingual concepts is not
accurate, but I have tried my best to translate them. If you have a better
translation of them, please leave a comment to tell me :D
Do you guys still remember i have shared a video called 'dumb ways to die'? It doesn't matter if u have already forgotten it. This is because i would show you the video again XD
大家還記得我在之前分享的一段名為「笨笨的死法(dumb ways to die)」的影片嗎? 如果你已經忘記了也不要緊,因為我會再給你看這段影片XD
Here we go!
This is the video with both English and Chinese subtitles. The following one is the one with Deutsche Untertitel (German subtitles).
Isn't that the character in this video very cute? But do you know what is the message which the producers want to spread through this video? If you don't know, please watch the following video. You would have a better understanding of this adorable video.
I agree to these teenagers that the song is really catchy and impressive >U< (To be honest, i always sing this song after i have watch this video.) I am sorry that I cannot find a video of Teen react to Dumb Ways to Die with Chinese subtitles and I don't know how to make subtitles to the video.(But the most important reason is that I cannot catch all the native speakers' sentence :( Please forgive me XD)
我同意那些青少年指這首歌很琅琅上口及令人印象深刻。(誠實的說,自動從我看到這段短片後就經常唱這首歌)很抱歉我未能找丁一個有中文字幕版的Teens React to Dumb Ways to Die 而我亦不知道如何把字幕加入影片中。(不過最重要的原因是 我不能捕捉到外國人的所有說話的意思。:( 請原諒我XD)
'Be safe around train, a message from METRO' This sentence comes out at the end of the video. Actually, it really surprises me. I think it is just a video made for fun and entertainment. In fact, it is an advertisement, or PSA- Public Service Announcement.
This video get more and more popular since it has post on Youtube. It is really interesting that the song is so popular that people have done the ukulele or guitar cover of it. You could try playing this song if you are interested in this. Here are the video for tutorial of playing this song with ukulele and guitar.
METRO also produce a game based on this video and it is well-known in Taiwan.
METRO 亦基於這段短片製作了一個遊戲,這遊戲在台灣廣為人知。
I have fun with this song and i think listen to this song can help me to relieve pressure. I recommend you to listen to this song if you are frustrated and desperate.
Hi, I'm Marcella. [Warning: The entry this time may involve more analysis of subtitles.]
Comic songs appear in all languages. However, original ones are not easy to find. However, recently, there's an eye-catching comedy duo who has become a hot topic with the following song.
This version provides Chinese subtitles. However, some of the translation are wrong. For example: 1) the title, "The Fox" is translated into 狐狸哥哥, which means "Brother Fox" in English. May be the interpreter did it on purpose to make it sound nice in Chinese. 2) The lyrics, " And the elephant goes toot" and "And fish go blub". In fact, there's no exact onomatopoeia for elephants and fish in Chinese. However, the interpreter translated the sound of elephants into 『嘟』 and fish into 『哭』. In this line, transliteration may be a better choice, like this version of translated lyrics. In the chorus part of the song, there's no meaning for the lyrics, the interpreter used transliteration to present that. The singers are Bård and Vegard Ylvisåker, the brothers formed a comedy duo namely Ylvis, which is from their Surname. The Norwegian brothers sing in English and they sing all kinds of genres. The mocking songs and the sudden change of atmosphere of the songs are amazing.
Here are other songs sung by them, with Chinese subtitles.
Ylvis- Jan Egeland
This is a mocking song to Jan Egeland, the United Nations Humanitarian Official.
Examples of errors in translation:
1)"Grey hair" is translated into 白髮,which means white hair, instead of 『灰髮』
2)“Golf” is translated into 小白球, which means little white ball, instead of 『高爾夫球』
The interpreter keeps the name of the persons mentioned in the song in English, which makes this a mix-code subtitle. Some of the translated lyrics used vocabularies that involve personal feelings which it is not carried in the original song. Slang in Chinese( in Taiwan dialect), like 甲甲, meaning gay in Taiwanese sayings.
I will introduce to you other songs of Ylvis next time! Thanks for reading.