Hi there,
I am the first person to introduce myself to you. I am Marcella Wong, an ordinary girl studying in Lingnan University in Hong Kong!
I enjoy my life as a silly teenage girl and I would like to share fragments in my beautiful life with you all.
Anyways, Tuesday's normally my time to share!
Here I go!
So, some of you may notice that the Mid-Autumn Festival is on this Wednesday (if you don't, you know it now LOL) As a member in a Chinese family (careful, not a VERY TRADITIONAL one), we buy moon cakes to celebrate this festival of the moon. And we have lanterns.
In Hong Kong, the snowy moon cakes are very popular. My favourite is those from arome. You can see how they look like in the photos below.
For lanterns, there are plenty, some made of paper( which is best to play with), some in beautiful shapes. My sister got a bunny lantern, the cutest I've ever seen. As for me, I love to go traditional. Mine's a pretty goldfish<3
I took some pics from the lantern shop. Check them out!
Yesterday, I had dinner with my friend in a cafe in Mongkok, named Teawood.
I forgot to take photos of the main course and the dessert (silly me) but I got the drinks! My friend said her Kiwi juice tasted nice (I doubted that). As for my strawberry smoothie, it fits me alright!! I ADORE sweet!!! YES, I am a SWEETS LOVER!!!!!
Starbucks' Green tea latte plus doughnut is my favourite!!!!!
Life is beautiful, please brightens up mine with your experiences, share yours below by commenting on my post!
我是Marcella, 一個就讀於香港嶺南大學的普通女孩。
星期三就是中秋節啦~大家有沒有什麼準備??我家買了不少月餅,但其實我除了喜歡傳統的蓮蓉月餅以外,在香港很受歡迎的冰皮月餅我也有賣呀~東海堂是我最愛<3我為兔子冰皮月餅拍了照,不知道是什麼的人可以去看看。我們也有燈籠,有紙制的(比較好玩)和有形狀的。我妹妹買了一個很可愛的兔子燈籠,而我比較貼近傳統,買了超美的金魚燈籠<3 我在燈籠鋪那邊拍了幾張照片,去挑你喜歡的吧~
昨天,我跟朋友到旺角茶木餐廳吃飯,雖然有為飲品拍照,但主菜跟甜品都忘了(人家太餓了) 。我朋友說她的奇異果飲品很好喝(對於此我很懷疑),我點的草莓沙冰真的太適合我了。甜度適中(可我朋友說過甜),誰叫我是甜食愛好者!!
Comment from Hedy Yiu
Hi! Marcella. I am Hedy:D
Actually i went to Mongkok with my friends last Saturday.i will share the my thought to you tomorrow coz tomorrow is my showtime, right? XD But i will make it in Chinese beause i am good at writing in Chinese. Please forgive me XD
Comment from Red Chan
Hello Marcella, appreciate your sharing in both Chinese and English. Your personal touch & all the images add spice to the post. Hedy, nice of you to support your team mate with the feedback, I look forward to reading your stories soon! Red